Third in my heat in the slalom, so just went for a sail, and played around with the camera. James Phare and I took it in turns to try and get some shots from in the water, and managed to get some okay ones. So here are the alternative shots for those who just went for a sail.

Great shots! Are you swimming, standing on the bottom, or using a float of some sort?
Great! Great!
Thanks Adam for bringing these fantastic shots up.
Once the Moth season starts (at the moment I am still in DN mode) is it possible to use one or two shots for my blog? Of course with courtesy. Good luck for the Worlds. Smooth Sailing. Manfred.
Hi Joe - James and I were just swimming around at either the mast head or away from the boat holding onto the mainsheet. The shots were done with my little Pentax W80 camera. Thierry Martinez has been giving us tips, and we'll try a few more soon!
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